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Promotion Codes are codes assigned to a marketing effort sent out to customers via mail, email, renewals, etc. The codes dictate the item being sold, price, premiums and credit policies. These codes are 8 digits and will contain letters and numbers. The first character defines the outlet code or how the item is being advertised. The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th characters are the pub code or owning organization if the item being sold. The 5th and 6th characters determine the year and the month. (For example, R=2015 and 1=January) The final two characters are unique identifiers. Click Promotions in the Marketing Ribbon to navigate to the Promotion Codes screen.

Table of Contents

Elements of a Promotion Code

There are several elements that make a promotion code. The key elements are; Choice(s), Credit Policies, Premium Sets. These three elements make up a Promotion Offer. Additionally, Creative Code can be used. It will need a Campaign Code. All of these elements will be grouped together on the Promotion Code

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Recommended Display

These are the recommended customized columns for this screen. There are more columns available.

Promotion CodeDisplays the promotion code.
Promo DescriptionDisplays additional information about the promotion code.
Item NumberDisplays the pub code associated to the promotion code.
Campaign CodeDisplays the campaign code attached to the promotion code.
Creative CodeDisplays the creative code attached to the promotion code.
Offer CodeDisplays the offer code associated with the promotion code.
Mailing DateDisplays the mailing date for the promotion.
AcquisitionDisplays the acquisition code.
Acquisition DescriptionDisplays the description of the acquisition code.
Added ByDisplays the Advantage user ID of the person or process who added the promotion code.
Last UpdatedDisplays the date and time the promotion code was last updated.
Last Updated ByDisplays the user or process to last update the promotion code.
Last Updated By DescriptionDisplays the description of the name of the user to last update the promotion code.

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Preferences and defaults can be set for the bottom half of the screen.  Click Preferences in the lower left corner of the screen and the Tab Options dialog box will appear. Unselect unnecessary tabs.  It is recommended to uncheck Gift Promotions and Documents.  Coupons may also be unchecked if not utilizing the coupons module of Advantage.  Click OK to save changes, note that the changes will not be made until Advantage is restarted.  These tabs can be re-added at any time using the Preferences button.

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The Details tab displays information regarding the pieces that makeup the promotion code.

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The Responses tab displays response information associated with the promotion code.  

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The Costs tab displays the costs associated with the promotion code.

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The demographics tab displays the revenue split information on the promotion code.

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CIR Promotions

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Promotion Item

The promotion items tab displays all of the choices offered on the promotion.

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The finder links tab displays the finder category used by customer service teams to search for promotion codes in Advantage.

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Premium Sets

The premium sets tab displays all of the premium sets and each sequence attached to the promotion code.

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Credit Policy

The credit policy tab displays the refund rules of the credit policy attached to the promotion offer.

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Payment Options

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Scripts can be applied to various screens in Advantage to streamline creation processes.  Scripts hide unneeded fields and display only fields that are needed.  The fields that are displayed are also renamed so they are more relevant to users.

The script currently in use is displayed on the upper right corner of the screen, as seen below.  If a script is not currently selected, "No script in use..." will be displayed and all available fields will be displayed when creating a promotion code.


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Setting the Script

  1. Right click and select Script

  2. Select on of the following options...

    titleIf you are creating a promotion code...

    2. Select NEWADD

    3. Click OK

    titleIf you are creating a source code (x-code)...

    2. Select X CODES

    3. Click OK

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"NEWADD" Script

The NEWADD script is typically used when creating promotion codes.  Below are the fields that will appear when adding or editing a Promotion Code.

Promotion Code*Free form field used to define the promotion code. Promotion codes typically mirror the campaign code with the exception of the last two characters. While campaign codes can have 7 characters, promotions codes can have 8, so the unique identifier consists of two numbers instead of one letter.

Outlet CodeDefines the outlet that the campaign is being promoted through.

5Inbound Telesales callsDDirect MailLNon-Agora/External EmailTTelemarketing

6TelevisionEE-LetterMOther Agora E-LetterUUpsells

7IRIS Renewal SeriesFConferencesNOther Agora WebsiteVFolds - Pub Folds Only

8Product Reorder SeriesGSpace AdsORadio AdvertisementsWWebsite

9Special Renewals Mail OnlyHCatalog PromoPNon-Agora/External WebsiteXFree Source Code

AAuto Ren-Ren Series ONLY - Don't useIInsertsQRenewals OnlyYRenewals Web Links

BBillingJInsert RenewalsRRenewals - Don't useZMBR BABY PUBS ONLY

CCustomer ServiceKOrder AgainSBook Club only - Don't use

Publication Code/Owning OrgDefines the publication or owning organization of the product for the campaign.

Year & MonthDefines the year and month of the campaign. Example: May 2016 = S5 November 2017 = TB








Unique IdentifierUniquely identifies the promotion code. The unique identifier consists of two numbers instead of one letter. Usually the next number in a sequence. Example: 00 01 02 03
Campaign Code*Defines the campaign code the promotion code should fall under.
Offer Code*Defines the promotion offer the will be attached to the promotion code. The promotion offer is going to pull in the choices, premium set(s), and credit policy(s).
DescriptionProvides additional information about the promotion code.
Initiated ByDefaults to the user currently logged in.
Creative CodeDefines the creative used on the promotion.
Creative VersionDefines the version of the creatives.
Narrative TypeDefines when a narrative will appear if entered on the promotion code.

ALERTWith this option selected, an alert will appear when placing an order in Advantage.

CANCEL ALERTWith this option selected, an alert will appear if the other is canceled in Advantage. This will also appear when entering the promo code during order entry.

DEFAULTWith the option selected, the narrative will not act as an alert and the narrative will only be seen on the promotion codes. Should not be used.
List CodeDefines the website, mailing list, or external email list the promotion will ultimately be sent to.
Local CurrencyDefines the currency of the promotion.
List SegmentDefines the segment, or the group of customer's that are being targeted of the list being mailed.
Mail DateDefines the date the mailing will be sent.
Effective FromDefines the date the promotion code will be active and orders can be taken.
Effective ToDefines the date the promotion code will expire.
Then UseUsed with the Effective To field, this field defines the promotion code that should be used upon expiration of the current promotion code.
Quantity MailedDefines the number of customers mailed.
Quantity ReceivedDefines the number of customers or the size of the customer list received.

Defines the outlet which orders will be acquired for this promotion.
AAGeneral AppendADAd NetworkAPAds placed on newslettersBICross Promotion Internal AgoraBXCross Promotion External
CCConference GeneralDDDedicatedEIClctn Device W/I Promo ExtrnlEMEditorial MentionEVOur own Eletter Video
EXClctn Device W/I Promo ExtrnlFBFacebookFFRenewalsLICo-Reg InternalLVOutside Eletter Video
LXCo-Reg ExternalMMMail/PrintMVAffiliate Eletter VideoNVAffiliate Web VideoOOOrganic Search
PPPress/MediaPVOutside Web VideoRARadioRERemarketingRRRSS
SASpace AdSMSocial MediaSSPaid SearchUIWeb/Email Promo InternalUPPaid Direct Mail Promo
USInsert Mail PromoUTTelesales PromoUXWeb/Email Promo ExternalUZADV Paid OtherVTVideo Transcript
WBWebinarWIWebsite InternalWVOur own Website VideoWXWebsite ExternalXIFree Swap - Internal Agora
XXUnknownZZI Don't Know

Package Type

Defines the type of promotion.

UserUsed as a optional demographic field.

Host Dept 1%

Defines the percentage of revenue that will go to the host.

Host Dept 1

Defines the host department the revenue will be split with.

Host Dept 2%

If dividing the revenue in 3, defines the percentage of revenue that will go to the second host.

Host Dept 2

If dividing the revenue in 3, defines the second host department the revenue will be split with.

Subsequent Charges

Defines how revenue splits for any additional charges that occur during the first year.

Leaving this field blank will apply the same revenue splits to any additional charges. Selecting O - Override will not carry over the same revenue split information and 100% of the revenue will go to the parent.


Defines when the promotion code is ready to be pulled by the accounting department.

Website URLDefines the website URL of the promotion the URL is required for all online promotions.
Promotion NarrativeAllows users to enter additional information or alerts that will either appear when placing or canceling an order. This field works in conjunction with the Narrative Type field. The text added in this field will pop when the associated promotion code is used during order entry or during cancellation depending on the Narrative Type chosen.
Promotion ClassDefines whether the promotion will be sent through email, mail, other, renewal, or web.

Defines the copywriter when not using a creative code.

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Fixed Cost

Defines any fixed costs spent on the promotion.

Material CPM

Defines the material cost per thousand names.

Postage CPM

Defines the postage cost per thousand names.

Other CPM

Defines any other costs per thousand names.

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Finder Category

Defines the publication or owning organization and the type of promotion.

Example: LD1EML = LD1 email promotion

Types of promotions include:

EMLEmailINSInsert AdSPACESpace AdVIDVideo AdWEBWebsite
Key WordDefines the name of the placement. For example, the name of the eletter or website the offer was found in.
Entry Removal DateDefines the date the promotion code will no longer appear in search results by customer service teams.

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"X CODES" Script

The X CODES script is used when creating source codes (x-codes).  Below are the fields that will appear when adding or editing a X Code.

Promotion Code*Free form field used to define the promotion code. Promotion codes typically mirror the campaign code with the exception of the last two characters. While campaign codes can have 7 characters, promotions codes can have 8, so the unique identifier consists of two numbers instead of one letter.
Campaign Code*Defines the campaign code the promotion code should fall under.
DescriptionProvides additional information about the promotion code.
Initiated ByDefaults to the user currently logged in.
Mail DateDefines the date the mailing will be sent.
Acquisition*      Defines the outlet which orders will be acquired for this promotion.
AAGeneral AppendANAd NetworkAPAds placed on newslettersBICross Promotion Internal AgoraBXCross Promotion External
CCConference GeneralDDDedicatedEIClctn Device W/I Promo ExtrnlEMEditorial MentionEVOur own Eletter Video
EXClctn Device W/I Promo ExtrnlFBFacebookFFRenewalsLICo-Reg InternalLVOutside Eletter Video
LXCo-Reg ExternalMMMail/PrintMVAffiliate Eletter VideoNVAffiliate Web VideoOOOrganic Search
PPPress/MediaPVOutside Web VideoRARadioRERemarketingRRRSS
SASpace AdSMSocial MediaSSPaid SearchUIWeb/Email Promo InternalUPPaid Direct Mail Promo
USInsert Mail PromoUTTelesales PromoUXWeb/Email Promo ExternalUZADV Paid OtherVTVideo Transcript
WBWebinarWIWebsite InternalWVOur own Website VideoWXWebsite ExternalXIFree Swap - Internal Agora
XXUnknownZZI Don't Know
Website/External Coreg ListDefines the external website the signup box will be placed on.
Internal Coreg ListDefines the internal website the signup box will be placed on.
Quantity MailedDefines the number of customers mailed.
Creative CodeDefines the creative used on the promotion.
Creative VersionDefines the version of the creatives.
Package TypeDefines the type of promotion.
Narrative TypeDefines when a narrative will appear if entered on the promotion code.
DEFAULTUsers can add additional information about the source code.
Website URLDefines the website URL of the promotion the URL is required for all online promotions
Host Dept 1 %Defines the percentage of revenue that will go to the host.
Host Dept 1Defines the host department the revenue will be split with.
Host Dept 2%If dividing the revenue in 3, defines the percentage of revenue that will go to the second host.
Host Dept 2If dividing the revenue in 3, defines the second host department the revenue will be split with.
Done!*Defines when the promotion code is ready to be pulled by the accounting department.
Fixed CostDefines any fixed costs spent on the promotion.
Response Cost/MDefines the response cost per thousand names.

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